What To Expect

Church Campus

Our church campus has a small parking lot along Mowry Ave. in front of our Fellowship Hall; feel free to head past this building to our larger parking lot near the Sanctuary.  In the main parking lot you'll find plenty of parking spaces for your use.

Our People

Our church is situated in the demographically diverse Tri-City area, and we take joy in as much as our local body can reflect the "every tribe, tongue, kindred and nation" church.  We trust you'll find a warm welcome at Lighthouse.


At our typical Sunday service, you'll see a range of attire being worn, from more traditional church dress to casual clothing. How you dress to worship The Lord is your business. Rest assured, you'll be welcome!

Our Worship Service (Covenant Renewal)

At Lighthouse Covenant Church, we believe that God should be worshiped with the deepest reverence, for He is worthy of all honor and praise. In God's presence, we acknowledge there is fullness of joy.

Psalm 16:11 You make known to me the path of life;
in your presence there is fullness of joy;
at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

At our typical Sunday worship service, we consider each aspect of our service our reasonable act of worship, modeled for us in Scripture. What we refer to as the "5 C's," provides us with a normative framework that is helpful for describing and explaining our covenant renewal service. We have a CALL to worship, a time of CONSECRATION to God, CONFESSION of sin & Assurance of pardon, COMMUNION, and COMMISSION. Each of these elements of our corporate worship gathering present to the body of Christ a distinct opportunity to focus on Jesus, The Christ, and His Lordship over our lives. Our Call to Worship consists of heartily sung hymns, psalms and songs of praise, Scripture reading, and an Offertory (a time acknowledge The Lord's generosity by giving back to Him. If you are a guest or first time visitor, please know you are neither obligated nor expected to give to the local church). Consecration is our time to actively engage the Ministry of The Word, wherein in we profess our faith in Christ by the recitation of The Apostles’ Creed & receive the preaching and teaching of God’s Word. Prior to taking the sacrament of Communion together, we Confess our sins to God and receive our Assurance of Pardon, thus delighting in the truth of God's promises kept for us through Christ Jesus. We close our service by singing a Doxology and receiving a Benediction, reminding us that we have been Commissioned by God to live, making much of Jesus Christ. Every element of our worship service is intentionally engaged to remind us of our covenant relationship with The Lord, in order to remember His grace in keeping us in covenant with Him, as well as renew our hearts and minds with the gratitude, joy, and praise of His handiwork, so that we are prepared for our “going” out into the world strengthened as ambassadors for our King, Jesus!
2 Corinthians 5:20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.

Worship Music

Our Sunday service typically opens with a traditional hymn, followed by a blend of contemporary hymnody and praise songs.  Our singing is accompanied by a range of instruments as we exalt the name of the Lord together in worship.


Since we believe that the proclamation of God's Word is central in the life of the church, the sermon occupies the bulk of our Sunday worship service, with a typical sermon running around 45 minutes in length.  Our sermons tend to be expository, meaning that the message of the sermon is centered on the message of the text, unfolding the truth of the Bible, often verse-by-verse.

Children's Ministry

We believe that children are blessings from The Lord (Ps. 127:3-5). We believe that the church is called to strengthen families and equip them for raising God’s children in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6), trusting God for maintaining His covenant to every generation in fulfillment of His promise to Abraham (Genesis 15:9-10). Hence, we maintain a family integrated environment throughout our time of worship together. This means parents are encouraged to keep their children with them throughout the service, understanding that various stages of life may require the availability of a nursery, a cry room, or activities (coloring sheets, note pads, etc.) to engage children at specific times. Rest assured, we have wonderful, qualified volunteers who will gladly assist by supervising your child(ren) in the nursery or providing a helping hand to those who so desire.

Opportunities To Connect

After joining us for worship on Sunday, feel free to take advantage of the opportunities to further connect with the body, whether in filling out a worship registration card, seeking prayer or Biblical counsel, having a tasty donut and coffee in the foyer, or planning to join us for our midweek Missional Community meeting.  Also, our Connections Ministry would be delighted to invite you to their next luncheon and help you learn more about Lighthouse.

How To Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.