Missional Communities

Lighthouse Covenant Church is committed to making disciples. We do so with intentionality, in both formal and informal contexts. We believe that the Bride of Christ is to prepare herself for her Groom, Jesus, The Christ (Rev. 19:7-9; 2 Cor. 11:2, et al).  We offer Missional Communities as a way of modeling hospitality that exemplifies how we are called as Christians to engage our community, in our own homes and the spheres in which we operate in our day to day lives. Missional Communities are meant for church members to invite guest, curious sojourners, and even lost people to witness the love and grace of Lord. Missional Communities, though informal, are a central environment for us to Be The Church as the priesthood of believers. 

Disciples of Jesus increasingly submit to Him in all of life, are being changed by Him, obey Him, and teach others to do the same. Discipleship is the process of bringing all of life under the lordship and empowering presence of Jesus Christ. In order to accomplish the mission of making disciples, MC’s create an environment where life-on-life, life-in-community, and life-on-mission can occur.

  • Life-on-life: Being together in the everyday allows for visibility and accessibility. We see each other’s lives in the everyday stuff so that people know what it looks like to follow Jesus in all of life. With familiarity and accountability, we are able to assess and encourage growth in discipleship.
  • Life-in-community: One on one discipleship will lead to a disciple looking like the one who discipled them. Community discipleship will lead to disciples looking more like Jesus as he works through the diverse people and gifts in his body. Community is also the context in which we care for each other as a good family and live out the one-another passages of Scripture (e.g., bear one another’s burdens, pray for one another, submit to one another, etc.)
  • Life-on-mission: Mission reveals areas of life that need repentance and ensures we are equipping people to make disciples who make disciples. In order to lead people to see all of life as worship and discipleship, we must equip disciples to engage the everyday with Gospel intentionality–doing what they would normally do differently in light of what God has done for us in Jesus Christ.
When a discipleship environment maintains a faithful tension regarding Gospel/Scriptural truth, community, spiritual disciplines, accountability, and mission, we see the fruitful advance of the Gospel. This looks like evangelism and edification, new believers coming to trust in Jesus, and maturing believers being conformed to the image of Christ.

Missional Communities

Meets Wednesday evenings at 6pm, in our church fellowship hall.

We gather together for a fellowship meal, conversation, prayer and engagement with God's Word.
We welcome visitors and anyone interested in becoming more familiar with our church. We do want to ensure that we have plenty of food for everyone who comes, however, so please let us know, if at all possible, that you plan to visit.

Shalom & much grace.

We are located at 280 Mowry Ave. in Fremont, just off Mission Blvd., near Niles Canyon.

Recent Classes

Here you will find recent classes, study guides and other resources. We are studying and discussing topics from recent sermons.

Related Sermons