Our Story Begins...
QUESTIONS: What if, rather than attempting to catch up to newest fads and most popular models for culturally "relevant" church, determined by marketing data and statistics, the church learns from and acknowledges our rich history, from Israel through the 21st century? What if we fix our hearts and mission upon the ever present King of kings, and His never changing Word for all that God has established His church to be, now and forever? What if, rather than constantly trying to get ahead of the latest "narrative," we remain faithful to The Story of God, who has established us for such a time as this, determined the beginning from the end, and has made a covenant with His people to preserve and redeem us throughout eternity? What if, rather than subjecting ourselves to the whims, ideas, theories, and movements that are certain to disintegrate with time and under honest scrutiny, we are established in The Truth that is eternal, filled with glory and hope for the entire world?
THE ANSWER: Obviously, we ask these questions rhetorically. Lighthouse Covenant Church, as a mission church of the CREC, is our "boots on the ground" response to these questions. We are a gathering of people who have named our work, Lighthouse Covenant Church, a church committed to the historical, documented reality of God's chosen people from the beginning of time. We are raising up a generation of biblically literate children, immersed and trained up in God's Word, The Holy Bible. We are preparing the flock, adults and children alike, to face the onslaught of an unbelieving world around them. We are a safe haven of support for families throughout our community who desire nothing less than to know God and make Him known. We are rooted in the rich tradition and heritage of faithful Christians who, for over 2,000 years now, have been God's means of grace for positive change and true hope throughout the world. Matthew 16:18 "...and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." In every age, everyone everywhere needs the gospel of Jesus Christ, and The Lord has demonstrated His commitment to this reality by promising that His Church will remain standing until the end. Lighthouse Covenant Church is a body of believers in Jesus Christ intent on making Him and His covenant promises known to everyone, for the glory of God and the joy of all people.
THE ANSWER: Obviously, we ask these questions rhetorically. Lighthouse Covenant Church, as a mission church of the CREC, is our "boots on the ground" response to these questions. We are a gathering of people who have named our work, Lighthouse Covenant Church, a church committed to the historical, documented reality of God's chosen people from the beginning of time. We are raising up a generation of biblically literate children, immersed and trained up in God's Word, The Holy Bible. We are preparing the flock, adults and children alike, to face the onslaught of an unbelieving world around them. We are a safe haven of support for families throughout our community who desire nothing less than to know God and make Him known. We are rooted in the rich tradition and heritage of faithful Christians who, for over 2,000 years now, have been God's means of grace for positive change and true hope throughout the world. Matthew 16:18 "...and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." In every age, everyone everywhere needs the gospel of Jesus Christ, and The Lord has demonstrated His commitment to this reality by promising that His Church will remain standing until the end. Lighthouse Covenant Church is a body of believers in Jesus Christ intent on making Him and His covenant promises known to everyone, for the glory of God and the joy of all people.

Expanding the vision...
What's Happening Now...
As of 2024, Lighthouse Covenant Church is a mission church of the CREC, Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches. You can discover more about the denomination here: https://crechurches.org/ Our association with the CREC is integral to our mission here in Silicon Valley. As California, at large, continues to drift ever left, in the name of what many call progress, we remain dedicated to conserving the holiness, power, and influence of Jesus Christ and His Word. As we continue to teach and train men for biblical leadership, we simultaneously seek to strengthen and encourage women, children, singles and families to be salt and light in a critical region of our state. Not only does Fremont, CA traverse the wealthiest congressional district in America, it is also home to many people who work in the cutting edge tech sectors that are shaping our world today. To be a means of grace for proliferating the gospel in this arena, exemplifying our calling to be ambassadors of our King, Jesus, The Christ, is both an exciting opportunity and a huge responsibility. We are building up a body of people who are actively engaged in living out all of Christ for all of life, embracing the great commission and creation mandate of God's people in our time. Jesus is Lord of Silicon Valley, as well as the rest of California, whether the citizens believe it or not. Our hope is to bring glory to Christ by magnifying and enjoying His presence in all that we do, with everyone we meet. God is faithful to keep His covenant with us, despite our sin, and for this we live gratefully together in Him.